Saffron Walden Hockey Club

Saffron Walden Hockey Club

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Club House Appeal Success

27 October 2024
Club House Appeal Success

We are pleased to announce, that the SWHC Club House Appeal to refurbish the club house has reached our target and the refurbishment of the club has now been completed.

The campaign was a tremendous success and the new facilities are now being enjoyed by club members, visiting teams and spectators.

Particular mention should be made about our new bar, which has proved to be very popular! The inclusion of keg beer has futher increased its appeal, with the profit from increased bar takings delivering a valuable new income stream for the club.

The committee would like to thank everyone who made a contribution to the appeal including sponsorship from local companies.

We look forward to seeing you soon in the new Club House, where a full range of soft and alcoholic drinks and snacks are available on match and training days.

Our Partners

Copiers On-line Ltd
Trinity Business IT Solutions
Copiers On-line Ltd
Trinity Business IT Solutions
GW Sport
Injury Active Clinic
Saffron Building Society
NFU Mutual
GW Sport
Injury Active Clinic
Saffron Building Society
NFU Mutual
The Annual Dinner Dance is on Saturday April 26th @ Bury Lodge Tickets availble on TEAMO get yours Now dont miss the event of the season! includes all the seasons awards and most famousley the Chairmans speech
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