Saffron Walden Hockey Club

Saffron Walden Hockey Club

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Preparing the Club for the next generation

Preparing the Club for the next generation

The cost of the proposed refurbishment is estimated to be £120,000.

We’re aiming to raise £80,000 which, along with the grants we have successfully secured, will allow us to complete the project.

  • Comprehensive redesign of the existing Club House, as detailed on the following pages
  • Floor to ceiling French doors
  • Rewiring throughout
  • New plumbing
  • Extended vaulted roof
  • Large paved terrace at the front of the Club House


Kitchen and storage

To meet the needs of our growing Club and ensure a warm welcome to visiting teams, the current kitchen will benefit from a complete redesign including new cabinets, worktops, wall protection and floor covering.

The Club’s hospitality enjoys a great reputation, so the refurbishment will be a timely update for our well-used facilities with the addition of new features to increase capacity and streamline delivery.

Remember, during our post-match rush we’re rivalling Nando’s in terms of orders! 

Bar area

The role of a bar within a Club House has changed over the years and our refurbishment scheme recognises this.

It will, of course, offer a range of soft and alcoholic drinks and nibbles for post-match enjoyment, and provide a full bar service for Club social events and for people hiring the Club House for private functions.

It will also become a all-day coffee shop, when required, for Club socials, training camps and private events.

The design of the bar area and selection of equipment will reflect these twin objectives. 


Possibly the most important part of the building and now looking a bit tired after 18 years.

Our refurbishment provides the perfect opportunity to look again at the facilities we have now and improve their suitability for a growing and more diverse membership.

Key to the design of the new facilities is the ability to respond to the changing needs of our members. Currently the plan details mens, ladies and an accessible toilet, but if things change we’ll be perfectly placed to adapt to meet any new requirements. 

Proposed remodelling

The decision to move the changing facilities into a separate building has made a complete remodelling of the Club House interior possible, resulting in a large open space which will be used for a variety of Club activities and private functions. 

New Club House

The current Club House was constructed in 2004 following a huge fundraising effort. The design decisions and material choices made at the time have lasted well and provide the perfect starting point for a 2022 upgrade. 

The proposed refurbishment has been designed to increase the use of the facilities inside the Club House. The addition of movable partitions will increase flexibility and ‘right-size’ the room for a wide range of uses including post-match catering, social events and private functions.

A new paved terrace at the front of the Club House, and new fully glazed French doors along the front, will encourage the free flow of members and visitors around the building, further increasing our options for Club usage and the promotion of the Club House for private functions. 

Our Partners

Copiers On-line Ltd
Trinity Business IT Solutions
Copiers On-line Ltd
Trinity Business IT Solutions
GW Sport
Injury Active Clinic
Saffron Building Society
NFU Mutual
GW Sport
Injury Active Clinic
Saffron Building Society
NFU Mutual
The Annual Dinner Dance is on Saturday April 26th @ Bury Lodge Tickets availble on TEAMO get yours Now dont miss the event of the season! includes all the seasons awards and most famousley the Chairmans speech
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